Thursday, March 30, 2006

Feels like home

Late night chats.
Strolling through the sunshine.
Shopping for things necessary and not.
Godiva dark chocolate squares.
High drama television, curled on two ends of the couch.
The smell of spices wafting, comfort food.
High chai.
And news from home.

A mother makes such a difference to a living space...


At 3:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A mother can make all the difference !

Funny, I'd alluded to the exact same thing in a different context within a poem I wrote a few years ago - about the road builders of Ladakh.

Himank - these are the people who work for the six months of the year on the various border roads in Kashmir - across the Jammu valley in the west, and Ladakh in the east.
They come from many parts of India, most from Bihar.
Their smiles and spirit (I'd met a few men on that journey) were nothing short of inspiring.


'himank' on google - the first few links should have a pic of their working conditions..

At 1:26 PM, Blogger rhea said...

uday: i googled them and found your poem (really liked it, by the way) and, obviously, also your website. the pics from ladakh are beautiful.
oh, and speaking of coincidences, here's another one: aditya punoose is my cousin :)

At 1:54 PM, Blogger hemangini said...

hi ammu aunty!ree i think you shd photo blog too btw!

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a small world, indeed.
Aditya was my classmate in 8th std !
We'd flipped for the same girl at the time.
I got lucky ;-)

At 4:38 PM, Blogger rhea said...

uday: so i take it you weren't friends anymore after that!

mangs: i know, i should. haven't been taking photos lately. but i did want to put this one up of mum and saras aunty doing scandalous things, but i think i'll have to get permission first!

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:-)) we were. he's an amicable fellow.
I spoke with him for a short while 6 months ago. is somewhere in texas ?

am about to send out a (long) list of upcoming events in the city - mostly classical concerts, indian & western.. if you care, shoot me your email, will cc (you have mine from the contacts page)
Its April - hence the emailing. The city wakes up from its long winter :-)

At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It works the other way, too: a daughter makes all the difference to the living space back home -- whenever she pops by!


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